We hope everyone really enjoys using our playground.
It was opened on 20th July 2024 after FoBCP raised over £120,000 to build it.
And we want it to last until our children (and your children!) have grown up. It will need maintenance, sprucing up from time to time, replacing worn out items (for example the rubberised mulch area has a service life of 10 years and it cost almost £10,000 to install)
Help with a small donation
Every £ helps to build the maintenance fund. There are two ways to donate:
Pay by card using Stripe (we are charged 1.5% +20p for transactions via Stripe): A £2 donation results in £1.77 into the fund!
Or using a BACS transfer from your bank account – details below, 0% charges

Helping with maintenance?
The Parish Council will arrange for grounds maintenance but it would be good to have a team available to help with an annual spruce up. If you think you can offer a bit of spare time please drop us an email at info@friendsofbroadchalkeplayground.co.uk or say hi via our facebook page